
How to make Safari fast again

I got fed up with waiting 45 seconds for Safari to launch. The culprit seems to be RSS feeds. As with most Apple software, it simply doesn't scale.

I did the following:

1. Moved all my Safari RSS feeds to Google Reader, which has a superior interface anyway, using this tool <http://dcostanet.net/wordpress/2005/06/13/export-safari-rss-feeds-via-opml/>.

2. Deleted all RSS bookmarks from Safari. You can see them easily in the bookmarks page because they have an RSS icon.

3. Quit Safari and deleted ~/Library/PubSub. Yes, all of it. Safari doesn't seem to clean this up.

4. Relaunched Safari. One bounce.

Goodness knows how much CPU and bandwidth PubSubAgent was eating.

Also recommended, ClickToFlash <http://rentzsch.github.com/clicktoflash/> for two reasons:

1. It stops Flash based ads eating your CPU, bandwidth, and attention.

2. It makes YouTube better -- you can watch the movie directly.

1 comment:

  1. I also found I had to delete ~/Library/Safari/TopSites.plist to get PubSub to stop filling up.
